
Friday 6 December 2013

Foreign Gifts to Third World Relatives

Most expatriates think that their relatives in third world countries (I fall in this category) live in the dark ages when it comes to sending gifts. We do have internet here and keep up with the latest trends. Gone are the days when anything imported was considered the holy grail and senders were thanked profusely. Nowadays, everything is available in the so called old countries but us backward and sorry creatures still request our relatives to bring presents. After all, we are entertaining them and clearing our schedules to accommodate their shopping expeditions. Some sort of compensation is due at least. 

We get the worst gifts ever. They seem to be picked out from the bargain bins of different stores. This time around I was bestowed with a shiny green fleece and shocking pink sandals (horrendous eyesores). I prefer subdued colors so haven't worn either and probably never will.

I suppose there are exceptions to the rule and a lucky few do receive nice gifts from their relatives living abroad, I'm just not one of them!

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