
Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Vicious Circle

I've had friends in the past but they were mostly self-centered and egocentric. There has always been one in every group and my tolerance threshold for these self-obsessed narcissists is quite low. And of course the others stay to worship at their altar and I’m cut out. I do better on my own, no friends no fights. Simple and uncomplicated, In any case, they really don’t deserve a kind, loyal and sincere friend like me!

It is pertinent to mention that I was a good friend to them. I listened to their rambling and complaining about random stuff and gave appropriate commentary at regular intervals. It got tedious and wearisome after a while. Downright painful sometimes, that’s how mind-numbingly boring it was.

These words do seem a bit harsh though as I am not exactly the paragon of magnetism or charisma! Quite the opposite in fact. The few friends I do have survived the onslaught of my crabby, grouchy and grumpy nature over the past many years.

Hatred Personified Pt.2


    4.       Pakistani dramas: One of the reasons I detest these is because they endorse the “trolley” culture (mentioned in part 1) and all revolve around marriage. There are also love triangles, quadrangles and so on. Moreover, the actors are all the same. And they can’t act to save their lives! I don’t know their names, me and my family just have nicknames for them e.g. Goofy (he can only move his eyebrows), Statue (she only moves her lips) and of course there is a truckload of Crybabies! And they promote violence against women. Slapping is no big deal at all.

     There are names are extraordinarily difficult and bizarre as well. They do not even remotely reflect the subject matter. Why can’t they just have simple names like Revenge, Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries?!? (I watch these shows, among others). 

5.    Everything Indian: I’m the 0.0001% minority who isn’t completely besotted with our wonderful neighbors. I abhor Indian movies, dramas, songs, gossip etc. I change the channel whenever our illustrious electronic media is giving “entertainment” news. Why can’t people get it through their thick heads that there can never be any “Aman ki Asha”?! When will we stop bending over backwards for them? They are killing our citizens and this Pakistani majority couldn’t care less. How can we be so insensitive and callous?!?

6. Children: Everybody finds it odd that I hate children. What’s to like? They are annoying, noisy urchins who irritate me to no end. I try to avoid them at all costs, even their presence is bothersome!

End of this tirade (at least for now)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hatred Personified Pt.1

Basically, I am a cynic and a hater! I love to hate. I believe in hate at first sight (quite a few instances). The despicable list is endless.  Here’s just the tip of the iceberg:

1.       Marriage bureaus: Glorified rishta (matrimonial) aunties. These creatures have been the bane of my existence for the past six years!! I wish they would just leave me alone. I loathe being interrogated and scrutinized by b*itchy aunties with their a-hole sons who are there to enjoy the tea and other food items. I’d rather stay single, an idyllic life where I have no responsibilities. Why is it that the girl always has to bring the “trolley” in and then serve the honorable guests? Doesn’t this signify that us poor souls will be serving in-laws and leading a subjugated life till we die?!? Also, the following options are available to me, metaphorically speaking, as I am a “late case” (all single females above 25 are late):

What's more even these kind of men want 21 year old "white, beautiful" girls (marriage bureau lingo)! Some leeway maybe given if the female is a foreign national and/or has a professional degree.

    I cannot fathom why men aren't considered old. I recently read a matrimonial ad where the prospective groom was a young, 50 year old! Unbelievable!!

 2.     Random nosy Aunties/Uncles: These are the ones who are interested in my marital status for no reason whatsoever. They pester my parents into getting me married off to anyone who comes along, we shouldn't be “choosy” at my age (so, so late). Why can’t people mind their own business?!

3Self-centered people:  This is the reason I only have a few friends. These folks just cannot shut their pie hole. Enough said.


 To Be Continued

Monday, 16 September 2013


It seems like I am stuck in a rut. My life is dull and boring, a never-changing tedium. As I don’t have anything better to do, I decided to start this blog to share the details of my dreary and mundane life.  Truth be told, I was coaxed into writing it because I consider my writing skills as below average. But, if something as nonsensical as “Fifty Shades of Grey” can become a bestseller, I think I’ll begin this lackadaisical blog. 

Actually, I have a respectable job where I am left alone with unlimited Internet access. I am the figure-head of a department, much like the Queen of England! Checking relevant documents for discrepancies and then signing them is all that I do.  I can even doze off if I want. 

My previous workplace was a house of horrors. I had nicknamed it “the fish market” as there was a constant buzz. Everyone was either shouting at each other (considered a normal conversation there) or on the phone doing the same. I credit them for rupturing my eardrums and decimating my brain cells.  I think this is the reason I’m kind of dimwitted now. I worked there for 4 years and was only able to break free this January! Of course, there were other motives for my departure but more on those later.