
Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Alma Matters

I did my MBA from Lahore School of Economics (LSE). It is a very good school although people think it’s sort of a “party school” but this is not the case. We had a rigorous schedule of study there and even attended classes on Sunday! Anyway, this education provided everyone with numerous and lucrative career opportunities after graduation. Everyone except for me of course but that is a separate matter.

There was a professor who despised me for reasons beyond my comprehension. Eventually, the feelings became mutual. He used to humiliate me in front of the entire class every time! The ultimate degradation occurred in the last class when he asked me a question (he always asked me) which I answered and he said, “Finally, you have learned something!” He had studied in Nagpur University, India and really was a “Nag” (snake)!!

  I had a case of “hate at first sight” there: a guy who really annoyed me for no particular reason at first. I thought that would be the end of it but to my horror, he latched on to a girl in my group. A girl of the egoistical variety (mentioned earlier). She perceived herself to be the most beautiful girl in the class!  He, on the hand, was kind of pudgy but considered himself model material.  Some people really do live in a Fool's Paradise! Stunning and lovely she was to him but alas he was "friend-zoned". A truly lamentable situation.

 I can’t believe I was friends with such phony people. The inevitable happened: I got tired of this absurdity and was cut out as I am not the idolizing type.They even cut me out of the final presentation of a course too! Now that is completely unforgivable and I’m not one to forgive and forget. 

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