
Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Hatred Personified Pt.1

Basically, I am a cynic and a hater! I love to hate. I believe in hate at first sight (quite a few instances). The despicable list is endless.  Here’s just the tip of the iceberg:

1.       Marriage bureaus: Glorified rishta (matrimonial) aunties. These creatures have been the bane of my existence for the past six years!! I wish they would just leave me alone. I loathe being interrogated and scrutinized by b*itchy aunties with their a-hole sons who are there to enjoy the tea and other food items. I’d rather stay single, an idyllic life where I have no responsibilities. Why is it that the girl always has to bring the “trolley” in and then serve the honorable guests? Doesn’t this signify that us poor souls will be serving in-laws and leading a subjugated life till we die?!? Also, the following options are available to me, metaphorically speaking, as I am a “late case” (all single females above 25 are late):

What's more even these kind of men want 21 year old "white, beautiful" girls (marriage bureau lingo)! Some leeway maybe given if the female is a foreign national and/or has a professional degree.

    I cannot fathom why men aren't considered old. I recently read a matrimonial ad where the prospective groom was a young, 50 year old! Unbelievable!!

 2.     Random nosy Aunties/Uncles: These are the ones who are interested in my marital status for no reason whatsoever. They pester my parents into getting me married off to anyone who comes along, we shouldn't be “choosy” at my age (so, so late). Why can’t people mind their own business?!

3Self-centered people:  This is the reason I only have a few friends. These folks just cannot shut their pie hole. Enough said.


 To Be Continued


  1. This isn't so weird.l'm not fond of other's kids either. As far as marriage bureaus are concerned they are very annoying too. But life should be taken easy.

  2. hahaha,its really funny and well described. I liked the way you have described the fact,so true so straight, but I love children really so much.They are the angels,something out of this world. Anyhow, its my choice or liking yours can be definitely different and yeah as far as rishtay karane wali aunties are concerned I don't want to see them,never want to take the tray to them. Finally,the 3rd one;you know my old colleagues including aunt and uncle are worried about my marriage,as well as my relative aunties and bajees,I hate this question of all of them. Why can't they sit calm when they have been married now they should be having no worries :)

  3. Well, well, well, you said it all, theres nothing to add except if the kids are well behaved I dont really mind them. Some of them are really cute. But there should be a legal punishment for parents who leave their kids unleashed in public places and other peoples houses.

  4. Agreed on so many levels!! Marriage(read disaster)is a personal choice & should happen only after one is over 25 and mature/cold enough to deal with the practical difficulties.Ye$ most men are Ugly ahahahaaa....true ;) marriage or no marriage babyee!!

    1. Great minds think alike ;)

    2. Ye$ Saima.......... i can't stop laughing hahaahaa hilarious......!!

    3. Thanks for your kind words :)

  5. o_O please add a moochoon wali fish in the pics of fish :p
